Some selling advice would be appreciated...

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
... hello all. Before anyone screams SPAM at me, I'm after some advice first before I sell - when the time comes to sell, I'll list the guitar here and at HCEFX for a few days first to give everyone a chance. ANYHOW, here's my quandary:

I've got a 2005 MIJ Tokai SG70 in walnut. It's a great guitar, and I'm often banging on on here and elsewhere about how great the neck is. However, with the various builds I've got in progress, and needing a baritone guitar, it's got to go. My question is this: I've fitted GHS Dream 90s instead of the humbuckers (I'm a single coil kind of guy). Should I:

A) Return it to stock and sell it with the humbuckers
B) Leave the Dream 90s in and sell it with the humbuckers in the case
C) Leave it up to the buyer which p'ups they want fitted?

Any other options? My gut feeling is to sell it with the humbuckers in, but I'd appreciate your input. Thanks in advance.
Last year I sold my SG80 on ebay. I had replaced the std. pups with Gibson Burstbuckers and added a hard case. It brought $580. I later sold the original pups, they brought $30. I would have done much better selling the Gibson pups alone . People on ebay won't give you squat for add-ons. I would suggest you put the original pups back in and sell the others separately.
whitehall said:
I would suggest you put the original pups back in and sell the others separately.

I follow this suggestion ... nothing to add !! :wink: 8) 8)

whitehall said:
People on ebay won't give you squat for add-ons. I would suggest you put the original pups back in and sell the others separately.

It's not just true of ebay, it's true everywhere. Mods will get you nothing, and irreversible mods will actually harm resale value.

I'm with the others, put the originals back in and sell everything else seperately.