Intonation riddle solved and a "Buyer Beware"

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Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Hi gang!

I recently posted a message about my newly bought Tokai LS-75 (2001) which I bought from a shop here in Germany (

The guitar was hardly tuneable, intonation was impossible to set, since even with all saddles maxed to the PU side, three strings were still flat.

So I contacted the Seller and told him about my problems and this guy replied, that he had set the intonation prior to shipping with no problems, and that it was probably me doing something wrong. Well ok...

So I took the guitar to a well known luthier and low and behold, the tune-o-matic was 4mm off. So it needs repositioning. The luthier said, that there is NO WAY to set intonation on this guitar in the present condition. Repositioning would be 35 Euro, so I contacted the Seller and asked him, if he would handle the 35,- Euro, maybe compensating me for the bad deal.

NO WAY; he went through the roof and said "he will no play this type of game etc. He said, that he does not give a ****, what the luthier says, HE set intonation before shipping.

Hmmmm. Crook????

He offered me a full refund, if I send him the guitar (unaltered). I am reluctant, because then I might not even see my money back at all.

I think about contacting my lawyer.

What would you do??

Definitely a "Buyer beware", before you buy from this dude!!!!


hi dude.. how did u buy it? paypal? if so just request the money off em, that pops it on dispute.. when u receive the pennies.. send the guitar.. easy :D if he complaines tell him u sent him the dough in good faith and u trusted him, so he should offer the same... see what he says, dont argue with him though, its too easy to upset someone on the old tinternet :D but make sure you get the cash first, amd make sure he meets u 1/2 way on shipping..
see how u go :D

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