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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Havn't received it yet but thought I would post some pics.
Has anyone ever seen one before? Seller says all mahogany and ebony board....looks to have fret binding also...

any ideas on the finish.....poly or lacquer



No idea, but that is one sweet guitar and you're very lucky .
What a great find!! Didn't you already have 2 GTs? :D
If it's a TLC100 (how do you know?) it should have a 1P maho top & 1P maho back, nitro finish.
jacco said:
What a great find!! Didn't you already have 2 GTs? :D
If it's a TLC100 (how do you know?) it should have a 1P maho top & 1P maho back, nitro finish.

hey jacco
I do,should go nicely with the ls80 and ls100 :D

can only go on sellers decsciption.It was listed as a one piece mahogany and looks to have f.e.b. so I guess I can assume it will also be nitro?.Has some wear on the side that was poorly touched up :( but I will know better in a week or two.Didnt know they still had f.e.b in 1985 so presumably a higher model
hunter said:
jacco said:
What a great find!! Didn't you already have 2 GTs? :D
If it's a TLC100 (how do you know?) it should have a 1P maho top & 1P maho back, nitro finish.

hey jacco
I do,should go nicely with the ls80 and ls100 :D

can only go on sellers decsciption.It was listed as a one piece mahogany and looks to have f.e.b. so I guess I can assume it will also be nitro?.Has some wear on the side that was poorly touched up :( but I will know better in a week or two.Didnt know they still had f.e.b in 1985 so presumably a higher model

Nice guitar hunter, congrats,

Is the fretboard ebony? if so, that picks a TLC-100 easy,
By 1985, didn't the specs of almost all the guitars change? That makes it hard for me to figure this one out, although it does look very nice.
hunter said:
jacco said:
What a great find!! Didn't you already have 2 GTs? :D
If it's a TLC100 (how do you know?) it should have a 1P maho top & 1P maho back, nitro finish.

hey jacco
I do,should go nicely with the ls80 and ls100 :D

can only go on sellers decsciption.It was listed as a one piece mahogany and looks to have f.e.b. so I guess I can assume it will also be nitro?.Has some wear on the side that was poorly touched up :( but I will know better in a week or two.Didnt know they still had f.e.b in 1985 so presumably a higher model

Well looking at the neck pup cavity I'm sure there's no maple to be found in that body :D. The question is if it will have a 1P or 2P body.

Good call from Mick on the ebony borad
That's er, um, not a gold top, it's a gold coloured LP Custom.

I would think that it's quite a rare Tokai LP Custom?
Any specific point of the ...er`s and um`s? Always wondered why people use those, like the writer is the only person in on something all the others missed.
JVsearch said:
That's er, um, not a gold top, it's a gold coloured LP Custom.

I would think that it's quite a rare Tokai LP Custom?

I would think so too, especially because it's all gold (including neck)
Thanks guys for your thoughts :)
The sellers listing says it's a copy of a rare gibby 57 with all black plastics.The link below shows the rare beauty I think they were after.The inlays and the absence of rear binding would make the gibby a standard not a custom obviously.....Anyway,I love the goldback and rear binding on this one :D

Better pic of the pup cavity.....doesn't appear to have a seam.
Any ideae on what pickups this would have?
sneakyjapan said:
Any specific point of the ...er`s and um`s? Always wondered why people use those, like the writer is the only person in on something all the others missed.

In this case I was hesitant to contradict the OP's statement about their guitar, because blunt statements get people annoyed and make you look like a cock.
JVsearch said:
sneakyjapan said:
Any specific point of the ...er`s and um`s? Always wondered why people use those, like the writer is the only person in on something all the others missed.

Appologies for the confusion :oops:

I never intended to imply it was a "standard" gold top.I purchased knowing it was a rare gold colored "custom".....Only used the term "goldtop" in the subject post to describe the color
hunter said:
courtesy of Jackson's rare guitars


Hey, isn't that the one formerly owned by one the INXS members and now is questioned if it really as old as claimed, or am I completely wrong?
hunter said:
Appologies for the confusion :oops:

I never intended to imply it was a "standard" gold top.I purchased knowing it was a rare gold colored "custom".....Only used the term "goldtop" in the subject post to describe the color

You don't need to apologise at all - I just don't like to directly tell people they are wrong, in writing on the internet.

It would be good if you edited that quote of mine, yes I did say it that way, but I changed it after a few minutes.