NoooOOOOOOoooooOO!!!!! Missed out on a Springy ST100

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
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I forgot to bid on this:

Doesn't it seem like a steal? Someone make me feel better! :x
the YJ Tokai category in which it was listed has 11 pages

the recent RinkYa Tokai category has 6 pages

I've been looking at the Tokai stuff on RinkYa and I never saw it there ..........

seems as if there are more items on YJ that do not get listed on the RinkYa site

if you knew about it but forgot to bid, well I don't know if what I'm thinkin' will make you feel better; it would probably make you feel worse :p ...........
RyanC said:
I forgot to bid on this:

Doesn't it seem like a steal? Someone make me feel better! :x

I didn't see it either, but I'm kicking myself too! Sorry Ryan, you missed a bargain ST100 there!!
................ don't fell too bad; I passed on a Bacchus BEX-58K this morning ....... K = Korina aka Limba 8)
........ the only one my eyes have ever seen

How much do you think Gibson Korina examples go for?
I have seen a few of those :roll:

How rare do you think a Bacchus Korina 58 Explorer is?
The ending price compared to a much less rarer Gibson was to say the least, depressing ...............
I just checked the listing again - I don't think it met reserve. It had three bids, but the winning bidder shows "none"

Maybe it will show up again???
Just got a springy off ebay so I was checking Rinkya daily - every listing, and didn't see it. Could it be that some listings don't show up?
RyanC said:
I just checked the listing again - I don't think it met reserve. It had three bids, but the winning bidder shows "none"

Maybe it will show up again???

That's a beauty.... looks like a 78 from the neck stamp and the narrow neck plate
DaveWW said:
Just got a springy off ebay so I was checking Rinkya daily - every listing, and didn't see it. Could it be that some listings don't show up?

It is no secret than many Japanese sellers do not care to sell to non Japanese speaking buyers, and/or buyers outside of Japan.
I have seen YJ sellers state such; just go to the translate page on many listings, and it some times becomes obvious.

so, here's my guess, and it's only a guess ................
............. I suspect that YJ offers sellers an option to list on RinkYa, or not to list on RinkYa, when they list on YJ.
This only seems logical as many of the listings are not hitting the RinkYa site ..............
No, it simply didn't show up on the Rinkya search as the word 'Tokai' wasn't in the listing title
MIJvintage said:
It is no secret than many Japanese sellers do not care to sell to non Japanese speaking buyers, and/or buyers outside of Japan.
I have seen YJ sellers state such; just go to the translate page on many listings, and it some times becomes obvious.

so, here's my guess, and it's only a guess ................
............. I suspect that YJ offers sellers an option to list on RinkYa, or not to list on RinkYa, when they list on YJ.
This only seems logical as many of the listings are not hitting the RinkYa site ..............

I agree about the Japanese sellers, some are totally fine, and others not really. Kind of like ebay and American sellers, present company excluded of course.

I also reckon it is possible that the best new guitars remain in Japan.
RyanC said:
I just checked the listing again - I don't think it met reserve. It had three bids, but the winning bidder shows "none"

Maybe it will show up again???

Hold that thought!

There's a chance... :)
Next time set an alarm or reminder. :wink:
I check rinkya twice a day ,in the morning and late at night,There is something correct in what RICH is saying ,The rinkya search sometimes misses items on different days.
I saw that st 100 once a couple of days ago ,i was not interested in buying another strat and also thought it would go for silly money ,so i never put it n my watchlist.
I never saw it again after that 1 st ocassion,I do a tokai search twice a day,never saw it again,So i thought it had been withdrawn.

Now i am watching a tokai ls120 at 189000 yen ,i have been watching for 5 days ,yesterday or the day before i searched tokai as usual and it never came back in the search even though there was nearly 2 days left on the auction,I checked my watchlist and low and behold it was still there ,But it never showed up on the tokai search,now i wonder how many guitars i have missed thru the rinkya search engine being crap!!

I will now check yahoo.jpdirectly first!

I wish i had seen that beauty with 5 mins left ,i would have had bid on it?

As a seller on Yahoo you can choose to not let certain buyers see your items.
Basically there are issues with Rinkaya sometimes due to idiots who bid more than they can pay. Its simple cause they don't have to take the ****.
Just pay 100$ and bid again.

Japanese sellers on Y are in general not allowing accounts with a certain number of negative feedback to bid.

The Yahoo system suck ***.
I was bidding for a bass today and it took nearly an hour longer than the scheduled time cause some wxxxxr were bidding 500yen every time there was 30 secs left. Back to 10min and arrghhhh.