How about a 1952 LP case.. Only...

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I noticed that too. Something about it rubs me the wrong way, probably the story, etc...

Keep dreaming Gordy... :roll:
The warning bells are ringing when I read stories like this:
"According to her the factory had a room full of different project-prototype and employee guitars and she picked this one from that room".

****, the body is barely cold and the sharks are already trying to make money on him :cry:
Even if the story is completely nonsens...already this crazy story is worth the prize :D
I am sitting in front of the screen with tears in my eyes :wink:
Pretty funny response here:
RyanC said:
Pretty funny response here:

Nice one!!
The original case that started this thread is now down to $9500 (USD). With about 64 hours remaining, where will it end? Perhaps back in the closet..
Yeah, it's a bit of a joke, but if I had a collection of vintage Les Pauls and money to burn, then it might be something I'd consider adding to my collection. I guess that's the market they are aiming for (unsuccessfully so far).