Whats with the disappearing threads..?

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2006
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Brisbane Australia
Whats the deal with threads being deleted? That LS-60 thread should have stayed up because the guitar was unintentionally being misrepresented and should have been left there for interested buyers. Has this place really gotten that politically correct that you can't even inform someone that they are wrong without causing problems.....FFS, anyone could see that the bloke was a drama queen, but no one was abusive at all......No wonder i don't come here very often any more..... :roll: I wonder how long it will take to delete this thread.....

It's a fine line isn't it, the owner and mods are 'caught between a rock and a hard place'.
On one hand, the issue was clearly guitar misrepresentation (been there, done that), and on the other the members have to be able to comment that is not either abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening etc...and try doing that without talking like a 'nandy pandy'
Sooner or later, folks are gonna have disagreement, and clearly, this was a case where the item was misrepresented, and the owner having lost the 'battle' so to speak, decided to wave the 'i'm getting picked on' flag, and the mods or owner had to act.
Like they might have to with my comment :oops:
He probably asked Ned to pull it. He has since revised his ad. Look at the last post.


Why is he bragging that he's banned from Rinkya? :roll:
cashcow said:
He probably asked Ned to pull it. He has since revised his ad. Look at the last post.


Why is he bragging that he's banned from Rinkya? :roll:

Well Ned shouldn't have pulled it because it had already been edited by the OP and it had relevant info in it for everyone. I am not surprised he is banned from rinkya , his attitude would have been a huge stumbling block if dealing with anyone in Japan.....He couldn't handle being corrected, you lot should have seen the PM he sent me.......This place is better off for him leaving.

cashcow said:
He probably asked Ned to pull it. He has since revised his ad. Look at the last post.


Why is he bragging that he's banned from Rinkya? :roll:

You're now adding more confusion. Or maybe you didn't understand the plain English explanations of what the tenon is like. It's got nothing to do with stain.

Now get this thread deleted :cry: , although I do like your thread on Japanese expressions and translations! :)
What I think is really rude is just deleting threads without telling anyone on the forum that it's been done. If certain rules have been breached, tell us so we'll know next time what we did that was so awful that it necessitated the drastic action of removing a thread. Removing a thread should be a last resort. It seems to be becoming routine on here, & never a word of explanation from the list owner.

Is a bit of communication really asking too much?

After all the togps hassle and the removed good traders list I stopped for myself to think about such rude actions...it is useless,we will change nothing and the only word that comes in my mind when I see how adult people are treated here is kindergarten :cry:
Academic freedom is the belief that freedom of inquiry by forum members is essential to the mission of the forum, and that members should have freedom to teach or communicate ideas or facts (including those that are inconvenient to individuals) without being targeted for repression.
The guy selling his guitar was a little too sensitive about it :D

Forum: "you might be interested to know your guitar actually has a medium tenon, lots of people make that mistake"

Seller: "Stop criticizing me in public, guys!!!"
stratman323 said:
What I think is really rude is just deleting threads without telling anyone on the forum that it's been done. If certain rules have been breached, tell us so we'll know next time what we did that was so awful that it necessitated the drastic action of removing a thread. Removing a thread should be a last resort. It seems to be becoming routine on here, & never a word of explanation from the list owner.

That would be good, in an ideal world. But...

stratman323 said:
Is a bit of communication really asking too much?


I think it's anything for an easy life with Ned, and to be honest, that's fair enough. I don't think he counted on the fact that people would turn nasty and make threats of legal action against the forum that could possibly spill over into his personal life and cause havoc.

(Probably none of us thought this would happen, but that's modern life - aint it great! No, it's getting to be a bore IMO.)

If it's going to take constant supervision and adjustment to members' posts to try and balance freedom of communication against the private rights of others, Ned isn't going to do it. I don't think we can expect him to either.
Cali Girl said:
The guy selling his guitar was a little too sensitive about it :D

Forum: "you might be interested to know your guitar actually has a medium tenon, lots of people make that mistake"

Seller: "Stop criticizing me in public, guys!!!"

Maybe we're too militant...

But yeah, he was just another seller trying to wax lyrical about his wonderful, virtually a vintage burst, base model Les Paul, and we poured cold water over his sales puff. He would have known that people do read this forum before buying, and got into a rage.

The thing is, if you persist with a story after strong opinions or facts to the contrary appear, you just start to look stupid, or like you're bullsh*tting, and then people walk away.

Basically, is it fundamentally wrong to point out errors in the description of a guitar for sale? No it isn't, but you better be right! And we were right, and still are.
JVsearch said:
Basically, is it fundamentally wrong to point out errors in the description of a guitar for sale? No it isn't, but you better be right! And we were right, and still are.

Yeah, but being right and being able to prove it in a court of law are two separate things altogether. For Ned, it is probably just easier to delete the thread.
make threats of legal action against the forum that could possibly spill over into his personal life and cause havoc.

I find this hard to swallow. I am a member of a few different forums and one very large motorcycle forum and the content is far more controversial than on here and threats of law suits get dealt with with common sense. I have yet to see anything on here that would stand up in court . Instead of running away like Ned does he should put his foot down with the idiots that threaten it in the first place. Now anyone here that knows the forum history can threaten to sue and all just disappears without notice. All the ******** with the fakes is a great example, Ned threatened anyone mentioning the word "fake" with suspension while this forum STILL has links to the shops selling Fake Tokai's. Now if he had just asked he would have made an informed decision, but NO....just another knee jerk one without explanation. Ned wasn't even aware of the Fakes or the amount of time we had put in researching them.......We are treated like idiots here....

Thank you JV.

If a thread originator asks for a thread to be removed it will be removed.
ned said:
Thank you JV.

If a thread originator asks for a thread to be removed it will be removed.

You can't stop a kid from taking his toys and going home when he doesn't want to play in the sand box any more.
For me it's simple with a classified ad. PM the seller pointing out the incorrect info. If they don't change the info, report it to the moderator.

The discussion within the classifieds can give entirely the wrong impression to would be buyers. What may be a small issue may seem to the buyer to be indicative of all sorts of hidden problems.

That impression can be totally avoided if the OP is PM'd. If they still don't change it, then there's reason to take it further.

But I would not advertise on a forum on which a free flowing debate and sharing of opinions about the item in question goes on that I can't control. A totally legitimate item may end up looking shifty through a few wrong turns of the comments.

That's unnecessary. PM. If the person's actually scamming someone and hence ignores the PM, inform the mods.
I think I've made it so people can't reply to classified posts
ned said:
I think I've made it so people can't reply to classified posts

So what if somebody was to advertise an MIJ Love Rock in the classifieds that was obviously not MIJ but MIC? Can nobody point out the error?
Maybe we should have two classified sections? One for sensitive types and one for real men?
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