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The batlord

Well-known member
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
I have purchased two guitars from him so far and both have been nightmares.

The first guitar, which I purchased two months ago and still haven't recieved (and probably never will) was a nightmare trying to get the acounting straightened out. It took Azuma a month to send me three invoices that were all identical even though I clearly pointed out the mistakes within them (which were many). Simple addition seems to be an issue with Azuma's company unless the addition is PayPal fees that should not be there.

The second guitar which I have recieved is actually not the guitar I ordered. Apparently, the fee that Azuma charges for 'repackaging' does not actually mean that the guitar is checked or even repacked in any way, shape or form. Instead, read 'repackaging fee' as 'cash grab.' According to Azuma himself, the company he purchased it from on my behalf admits the mistake and is perfectly fine with fixing the problem. Unfortunately, I have personally contacted them but they do not speak english. Again, Azuma has yet to initiate the claim through them and seems extremely reluctant to even begin the process. He briefly mentioned some kind of solution but has since not responded to any form of contact.

So here is a warning to all who would purchase anything from Azuma:

Do not expect correspondence to be smooth. After you give him some money the communication slows to a crawl or stops alltogether.
Do not expect to get the actual item you ordered.
Know that you might not even get an item you purchased and paid for.
Do not expect MOJs accounting to be even remotely close to what it should be.
Expect account changes to take minimum one month.
Expect to wait for your item for an extremely long time (if Azuma decides to actually ship it some day).
Do not expect any kind of reparations let alone actions if you have a problem arise.

That said, I have heard nothing but great things from RINKYA. I would strongly advise not making the mistake I made and steer clear of Azuma and MOJ.

PS: I have kept each and every piece of correspondence with Azuma (emails, MSN Messenger conversations, shipping documents, etc) and have more than enough proof to back up all of my claims. I expect to see my account 'disappear' from MOJs website very soon. Fortunately, I have copies those as well. In fact, I am sure there will be a board member or two that will chime in with their own horror stories.

I understand your frustration, but please don't post this in multiple subforums, you already did the same on japanaxe as I just saw, and now I come here and see you've already started the same thread 3 times again :roll:

That's just bad netiquette imho, and won't help your problem either.

I posted in subforums because I personnaly only check out Orville sections and I am sure many people do the same and only view topics in Tokai, Burny, etc.

I am trying to make sure that no one else gets taken as I did.

As far as 'helping' my situation, it certainly is not going to hurt anything. I am already out $1k from Azuma. Like I have more to lose.

If you already read my post in another section, why don't you just ignore the others? Were you expecting to see something different in each? :lol:
I don't have a problem with being warned of suspect sellers, although I have learned that attempting to look out for the interests of others, can come at the risk of the messenger being figuratively decapitated

I suppose the message here is: Warn others only if you're willing to risk being attacked for trying to be the 'good guy'..........
so this is a Japanese company/person?...in Japan? Is it a service like Rinkya? Or is this person a shop owner?
Eureka! Azuma has finally returned my messages!

I guess the only way to get Azuma to awknowledge my situation was to resort to posting it on a few message boards. While I still ended up losing a little bit of money on exchange rates and PayPal tranfers I will take the refund he provided as a victory. I actually really wanted the guitars I purchased so I am a little disapointed about that but I will take what I can get. For what it is worth, I get the impression that Azuma has bitten off much more than he can chew with his business. I will leave it at that.

I really want to thank those of you that took the time to email Azuma and/or myself. I sincerely appreciate the support.
I will be worth knowing who is this Azuma, a japanese man? a foreign in Japan? ???? . I guess it?s necessary to know more about him to be aware....

Again, buy from reputable sellers only, either new or used. I prefer new myself is price is right and headstock is correct but used is OK too (collectable thing).....

I feel this board is growing so much that this "unfair" behaviour had to reach here too anyday.....
I would also like it to be known that Azuma decided to give me that Epi Jr. While it is not worth buch on the old eBay it should cover the remaining cash I am out after all of the transactions and the taxes/duty involved. For that I am grateful.

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