Pickups in Edwards ES125

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2005
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Hello all - I bought an Edwards E SA 125 LTS last month on eBay (the cherry red 335), my second Edwards (I used to have a TV yellow LP Jr DC). I love it to bits, but the pickups seem really mismatched to me: the Seymour Duncan SH 2n in the neck does what it says on the tin (Jazz), but the SH14 Custom 5 in the bridge just seems way over the top; the only way I can tame it is by turing the volume down a fair old bit. Is anyone else experiencing similar woes?
i have a custom 5 (i think- never actually checked it, but it's specced as being that) in a charvel star. So yeah, it's probably a bit hot for a semi :lol:

edwards does that with most of their guitars. I mean most of the gibson copies with humbuckers have JBs in the bridge, which is probably slightly hotter than the custom 5.
Yes those pickups are way over the top for this guitar. The neck pickup is flabbery and undefined and the bridge pickup sounds way to compressed.
I got rid of them and put in some nice Bareknuckle Stormy Mondays.
Now the guitar really shines, it is unbelievabe!
Good luck on the soldering / fumbling, I managed to get one vol pot thru the f-hole, the other thru the bridge pickup cavity. The ground wire to the bridge was so short, it freaked me out.
I also put in some mallory caps once it was open.
Now it is my main weapon of choice, does everything from killer clean, funky rhythm, nice crunch and cut-thru leads.
An update: the stock SD pickups only managed to annoy me as time went on: the neck was too woolly even for me, and the bridge pickup was so ridiculously nu-metal that I could only tolerate it in the neck+bridge position.

I picked up some Wolfetone Dr. Vintage PAFs, and they've transformed the guitar completely - love it to bits now. Wish I'd done it months ago. Whisper it, but it wasn't even that hard to change the pickups...
I agree about Wolfetone Dr. Vs, they are very good pickups and I will keep them in my Reborn. I just tried his Legends and Marshallheads and I recomend either.
proflonghair said:
Whisper it, but it wasn't even that hard to change the pickups...

Haha, lol! If it wouldn't have been for that ground wire, I would have been done in 15 Minutes!

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