Just Got My First Tokai!!!

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Lee Bob

Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
London, Ontario, Canada
Hey guys I just received my Tokai PRS copy. This thing is a friggin tone machine. The stock pickups are great. Although they are biased towards the classic rock, vintage spectrum I still really enjoy them. A little turn of the gain knob on my amp and I can get some of the higher gain tones I normally seek. I'm not sure yet if I will replace the pups. I was thinking of goin for a Duncan Custom/Jazz set because I thought that would go nice with the PRS Tremonti/AIIPH set in my LP, a little different but not totally out of the ballpark.
The build quality on this guitar also far eclipses that of my Epi LP. I am definitely thinking of trading the Epi in for a Tokai Love Rock.

Here are some pics that the dealer (JSD) sent me originally:

Hi Lee Bob, welcome to the Forum 8) . Killer looking guitar ? I?ve never played a PRS copy, but that one certainly looks ?the business?. Yes, Love Rock is great guitar (espescially old ones, imho), although almost everyone has realised that now & that's pushing prices up (still a few bargains on early Love Rocks with solid colour tops though). But I expect that PRS copy will do very nicely for now :-? .

Lee Bob-

Just wanted to thank you for supporting the dealers that support TokaiRegistry.com and TokaiForum.com. Guys like JSD are what help pay the bills and I believe they also bring value by stocking the guitars we are interested in and the insider info they obtain by being dealers.


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