I just bought a new als-70

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Jul 11, 2005
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What can I expect, since I'm not really at all familiar with Tokai's in general? I bought it out of a leap of faith and reading reviews on harmony-central.com Am I getting a really solid instrument and are the Gotoh's gonna need replacement? I usually just drive the front end of my tube amp and clean things up with the volume controls on the guitar. Did I make the right decision or should I of looked for an older model?
Still waiting for any comments............... I just would like to know how you guys feel about the new models coming out of Japan. Are they every bit as good as their American counterparts? Did I get ripped for paying $800.00 to get one from Canada? It can't be any worse than the McCarty Hollowbody that set me back $3,000 two years ago. At least I traded that flat out for a B.C Rich Mockingbird Supreme with all the active goodies. I just got rid of those two and am getting rid of my bargain players to make room for the bill from the Tokai. Again I'm thinking of changing out the pick-ups with some seymour duncans that I've got new in the box a JB and Jazz. Are the stock pickups really that good or are they guitar subjective? Anybody?........................
Hi Solone, welcome to the Forum 8) .

Things are slower here than Harmony Central or Les Paul Forum ? it?s a smaller club & may have to wait several days for any reply :-? .

I didn?t reply because I know little about new LS70. It should be a good guitar, but my interest is really old guitars, so I can?t really comment on comparing current LS70 to Gibson (I assume you meant Gibson?).

Gibson QC is sloppy & many models are overpriced (imho), but the guitars are still capable of great tone & feel. Same for early Tokais inc. Springysound Strats & Les Paul Reborns etc,? great guitars which offer stiff competition for Gibson & Fender imho,? but I think it?s a mistake for guys (in general, not meaning you) to assume any Tokai will beat any Gibson regardless of price.

If you try a search there's quite a lot here about pickups ... Hans Jurgen has reported some in-depth comparisons ... personally I'm happy with the early Gotoh's & also like Tim Shaws (ie older Gibsons), but I'm not really into tinkering with pupswaps etc. so I'd probably keep the stock pups in the LS70 (at least until I found something clearly "better" ... eg Tim White's "Timbuckers" maybe?) :-? .

ian said:
Hi Solone, welcome to the Forum 8) .

Things are slower here than Harmony Central or Les Paul Forum … it’s a smaller club & may have to wait several days for any reply :-? .

SCNR... ;)

By the way, the Gotoh pickups from my 1984 LS 60 clean up well, because they are on the bright side anyhow, so turning down the volume knob on the guitar will leave enough highs without sounding muddy, even without an extra "bleed" capacitor.

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