ES 135 - a real beauty!

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
I ordered this beauty today


After I finally bought my LS85F,
Gottfried (togps) always tempted me with new
cool Pictures, so I could no longer resist!
(I hope I don't have to wait too long 8) )

That Teaburst finish is simply gorgeous!

Nice! That finish is one of my personal faves! (Although - I think I have alot of personal faves) It certainly suits that style of guitar.

Where did you order it from?
Hi Andi,

once more ... Congrats!

I must confess - I envy you because of your beauty!

We bought our previous guitars at the same time without knowing from each other's GAS-attack ...

OK - this time I'm too late ... but my time will come! :wink:


PS: Haeussels?????
Hi Roger,

since all my Les Pauls are equipped with
H?ussel Pickups, the ES likely will be no
exception to the rule! 8)
But I will give the stock PUs a chance,
(as long as it takes the time to save my
money for another pair of H?ussels... :wink: )

Hi Andi!
Better think about that! Did ya ever change a pair of pickups in a ES - Guitar? :D Gotta be cool headed, with thin fingers, some cup of coffee, good tools, .................! - I would make a bet! :wink: :wink: :wink:
see ya, "ACY"
Hi Acy,

this time I will send my guitar to you
so you won't have to send your pickups to me!
Hope your fingers are thin enough! :wink:
(I've got no clue how to change pickups in
a ES, this is my first Es ever...)

If you do this to me, you?ll never ever get any "coffee" with your pickups any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bye, "ACY"