BSC Custom guitars Wiring upgrade for my Love Rock

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Sep 16, 2005
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Im thinking about upgrading my LS70F love rock, allready have a set of barenuckles so was thinking of one of these kits Has anyone used these and what was the quality like?
Also are there any other mods I should consider.


Don't know what caps you have in there already, but a couple of decent Paper in Oil or Orange drops for a couple of quid might be worth considering, the rest of the kit will make no difference at all to how the guitar sounds. The CTS pots will also be too big, they will need to enlarge the holes in guitar body to fit them. My advice, save your money!
I fitted some to my tokai LS125 and Navigator. They are good quality but as John said won't make any difference to the sound of your LS70F - so don't bother. I do think good caps make a difference so it's worth fitting those. I also went for the set with the treble volume bleed mod on my Navigator. That mod IMHO doesn't work properly - it actually spoils the tone. My Navigator was a project that had no electronics at all when I got it so the CMG kit wasn't a such a bad buy in that instance but you can buy the parts a lot cheaper seperately.

If you want to do something else have a look a the faber bridges and tailpieces at

Don't know about the LS70F pot shaft sizes but the LS150 I have has the imperial sized short shaft CTS pots. RS Guitar Works makes an excellent kit which has the custom taper super pots (either long or short shaft) and they are matched and average around 540k, providing better sweep than the average pot. As mentioned earlier use paper in oil tone caps and wire to the 50's wiring.
Cheers for the advise Ive ordered a set of caps and will rewire to 50's wiring.

The fabar studs look interesting anyone know what size will fit my tokai?
T-1000 said:
The fabar studs look interesting anyone know what size will fit my tokai?


I have to disagree with DaveWW's comment on the treble bleed mod, it's one of my favourites!
Well we're all entitled to our opinions and this subject always finds a few differing ones. All I can say is I cut them out of the last set pre-assembled kit I got from BCS guitars and the tone was better (less thin) IMHO. There was another post around the same time concurring that the mod wasn't a good one. My Bacchus Tele has the mod and sounds great, so I should probably leave it alone, but I've considered removing it from that as well. Having said all that I've only tried it once and I'm always willing to be proved wrong.

DaveWW said:
Well we're all entitled to our opinions and this subject always finds a few differing ones. All I can say is I cut them out of the last set pre-assembled kit I got from BCS guitars and the tone was better (less thin) IMHO. There was another post around the same time concurring that the mod wasn't a good one. My Bacchus Tele has the mod and sounds great, so I should probably leave it alone, but I've considered removing it from that as well. Having said all that I've only tried it once and I'm always willing to be proved wrong.

It's not just subjective opinions that are the problem, it's the fact that there are so many variations of the mod out there!

Most versions feature a resistor and cap in parallel, but nobody agrees on what the values should be. The cap for example can be anything from 100-1000pF and that value makes a big difference. Higher values retain treble better when using the volume control but sound thin when you're on 10. Lower values don't retain treble as well but sound less thin on 10. It's a balancing act, and different people with different setups like different sounds.

I experimented a great deal before settling on 500pF caps (in parallel with a 130k resistor).
OK, I submit - as it sounds like you're basing this on quite a lot more experience with this particular mod than me.

Not sure what the values were in the bcs kit....

I should probably point out that I only did the mod on my Love Rock. The telecaster just has the 50's wiring trick and I found that did the job just fine on that guitar. 8)
I just bought myself this beauty...I also want to know the wiring "trick"?

stratman323 said:
What is the 50s wiring trick?

It's basically the 50's mod that LP users like, adapted for the tele circuit. I'll try to find the picture.

EDIT: Quicker to just describe it... 1966 style tele wiring with one alteration. In the standard layout there's a wire going from the outer lug of the volume pot to the outer lug of the tone pot. In the mod, this wire is moved to the MIDDLE lug of the volume pot, leaving all the other connections where they were.
stratman323 said:
OK, and what does that do to the sound or the controls?

Improves treble retention as you roll off volume.

It doesn't do quite as good a job as a treble bleed but it gets close and doesn't significantly affect the original sound of the guitar.