1970s 1979 "I've Got A Great Guitar" Spring 5th Dynamic Campaign Ad

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Staff member
May 14, 2012
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"I've got a great guitar.''
Do it with your burning heart!!

The Les Paul series sends shockwaves to Guitar Kid from 4-dimensional space. A little hitman is backstage at Downtown B.W.B. The audience trembles with a sense of foreboding...The perfect production technique creates a total sense of balance that shakes the hearts of guitar players. Thrilling fingerwork, sounds that change in an instant. The play is spectacular and cuts through the green earth. Running lightning! Roaring thunder! Lead guitarist Wada shouts at the top of his lungs, ``I can't let this guy go!'' ``I can't let this guy go...''. The sharpness, deep bass, and long sustain are enough to impress even the pros. ……………………The excitement of that night will finally touch you. "Is it a nice guitar?" What can you say with your burning heart?

Guitar Kid's screams shook the universe! Tokai Electric Guitar received a storm of praise like an Antarctic preserver.

To request a catalogue, write your name and address clearly and go straight to your target ML6! Once you start reading, you'll be unable to stop reading the information packed with information and gooey special stickers that will be delivered to Ushiyuki's hands immediately.

Enclose a 300 yen stamp and send it to Tokai Musical Instrument Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 36 Terawaki-cho, Hamamatsu-shi 430.

The raging guitar storm will transport you to the extreme of excitement. Now that's tough.

●It's almost over! The 5th Tokai Dynamic Campaign, where you can get a guitar case, ends on June 30th.

●We also import and sell Tetsukaputo marks and Ampeg amplifiers.
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