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  1. T

    Fernandes RG style with Floyd Rose

    I'm getting one of these. Seems like a lower end Ibanez RG but has a Fernandes Floyd Rose licensed tremelo on it. Does anyone know what the name of this guitar is?
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    Burny RLC-75 + Hot Rod Deluxe = tonal nirvana!

    Been playing with a loud group lately giving me power tube distortion with this set up. Wow! The tubes have all been changed and the speaker is a 1961 P12N, but the results are amazing, and I get regular compliments on my tone. So what amps do you other Burny players use?
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    Fernandes TE-1N... anyone else have one?

    Not the lightest tele around, though not the heaviest either, but probably the best I've ever played as far as tone, sustain, etc. is concerned. They're an amazing value as well compared to other Fuji gen Gakki teles (Greco, Fender Japan). Anyone else?