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  1. L

    RLC on the way

    Thanks for the support and commiseration guys. This really sux. I don't mind admitting to you guys that seeing that damaged guitar was practically like seeing an animal or person get injured. I know you guys can understand the feelings one can have for a musical instrument. The seller is...
  2. L

    RLC on the way

    Just a followup, the seller is helping me get the ball rolling with the insurance claim and I should end up losing out only the shipping and customs charges and with a "repairable" guitar. He said shipping like this isn't uncommon and he rarely has problems. I've NEVER gotten a guitar with...
  3. L

    RLC on the way

    Well I got home from work and eagerly looked for the box. I was a bit dismayed to see this tiny box: Guess what happens to a guitar that is shipped thousands of miles in a single tiny box with no padding or protection whatsoever??? :roll: :cry: :cry: :x :cry: :cry:
  4. L

    RLC on the way

    The mail man just brought it!! :D But he wanted a check for $60 for "customs!" :evil: Has anyone ever heard of that? Is that normal? I've gotten lots of small items from abroad sent to me here in the USA and have never heard of such a thing, what is the deal?
  5. L

    RLC on the way

    It was stuck in customs in Chicago for a full week :cry: Looks like it cleared customs yesterday afternoon though! :D They probably cut it in half to make sure there's no terrorists in it, that's about how intelligent our current administration is in this country. :-?
  6. L

    RLC on the way

    Nice strat! I like the lighter colors or natural woodgrain. He has a lot of feedback but if he doesn't know something for sure he's not willing to guess. I would think someone that had handled so many guitars would know more but at least he's honest. He could not tell me if the guitar had...
  7. L

    RLC on the way

    You guys are the best. I'm so excited! I keep checking the tracking but it's still in Japan :lol: Most likely I'll be taking pictures of every nook and cranny. I like to play WITH my gear almost as much as actually playing it! I'd generally clean and polish it thoroughly, treat the...
  8. L

    RLC on the way

    What possible model numbers could it be? How will I know which model it is aside from the possible maple top?
  9. L

    RLC on the way

    Wow I really appreciate your guys enthusiasm!! Thanks for the responses. I've almost bid on a few of these over the past couple years. Either Greco or Burny white custom. There were a couple I just hear calling out to me across the planet - "buy me!" ha ha ha. I should really start...
  10. L

    RLC on the way

    Hi everyone, I am extremely appreciative of the vast amount of information I have learned from this forum. Now it's my turn to post :D I just purchased a nice white Burny LP custom copy. It has the "correct" truss rod cover shape and diamond inlay. No volute. Any guesses as to a year or...