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  1. J

    WTB: Greco P90 bridge pickup for SS500

    As the title says... looking for an original Greco P90 to replace the awful Duncan one installed in my '80 SS500. It needs to have a cover as well since the Duncan one will not fit over the Greco pickup. Thanks!
  2. J

    WTB - Tokai Custom Edition w/Floyd / Greco SG Special

    Still looking...
  3. J

    WTB - Tokai Custom Edition w/Floyd / Greco SG Special

    Looking for either or both of these guitars. Would potentially be interested in a single cut LP Special also. The Tokai should have a real Floyd and not some wonky cheapo that isn't locking. Single pickup or multiple pickup, black or rosewood, not picky really but it shouldn't have worn out...
  4. J

    EG800 Weight

    Thanks for the replies... :) Under 9 lbs isn't light compared to a strat but for a Les Paul, I'd say it's defenitely on the low end. But then I'm accustomed to my over 11 lb. behemoth '82 Standard.
  5. J

    EG800 Weight

    How much would you expect an EG800 from the late 70's to weight? I was looking at one and it's very light for a Les Paul?under 9 lbs in fact?and so I'm thinking it could have a chambered body and might potentially be soemthing other then an 800. So I guess what I really need to know is would a...
  6. J

    Greco SS-700 Super Real

    :o What year is this and how much might I expect to pay for one IF I can find one?
  7. J

    Tokai (or other Japanese) Jag/Mustang/Jazzmaster copies?

    Buzzstops (the thing you fit to the trem) will change the character of the guitar, Jazzmaster or Jaguar quite a bit. IMO for the worse. What happens is it dampens the strings behind the bridge eliminating all the extra overtones that are part of these guitars unique and rich sound. In...
  8. J

    Tokai (or other Japanese) Jag/Mustang/Jazzmaster copies?

    The only thing resembling a Jazzmaster about that Bacchus is the shape and scale length and I got the impression the original poster was looking for a short scale guitar since he was inquiring about Mustang's and Jag's. Very cool looking guitar though!
  9. J

    Tokai (or other Japanese) Jag/Mustang/Jazzmaster copies?

    I can answer your question regarding the Jag... Greco made a JM and Jag copy in the early 80's and the Fender released an MIJ model around '86. The Greco copies are exceedingly rare and a bit pricey by MIJ guitar standards. They are cool as heck though and I would love to have one in my...
  10. J

    Looking for info on Tokai SG's

    Tried searching and it seems the phpbb search function doesn't return results less then 3 characters and manually searching was giving me a major headache. I've been thinking about trying to pick up a vintage Tokai (or maybe other Japanese) SG copy but know diddly squat about them. Is there...